继一月初STS TOP300放榜后,
大家都在关注哪些同学能晋级STS Finalists
再生元科学天才奖STS TOP40名单揭晓!
成功晋级STS Finalists?
2022 STS TOP40
STS TOP40并晋级Finalists的选手,共来自美国19个州的37所学校。他们从300名学者和1804名参赛者中,以自己卓越的科学探究能力、创造力、领导力、以及在课堂内外的成就脱颖而出,是当之无愧的全球TOP40!
Claire Andreasen
School:The Charter School of Wilmington, Wilmington, DE
Project Title: Strain-Induced Second-Order Jahn-Teller Reconstruction and Magnetic Moment Modulation
Max Bee-Lindgren
School:Decatur High School, Decatur, GA
Project Title:Calculating Transition Amplitudes of an Observable Using the Rodeo Algorithm for Quantum Computing
Atreyus Abdhish Bhavsar
School: Blake School Northrop Campus, Minneapolis, MN
Project Title: The Spread of Macroscopic Droplets from a Simulated Cough With and Without the Use of Masks or Barriers
Elijah Eshaun Burks
School: Caddo Parish Magnet High School, Shreveport, LA
Project Title:The Effect of Freshwater Acidification on Clams
Victor Cai
School: Parkland High School, Allentown, PA
Project Title: Designing a Narrowband Radar Using GNU Radio and Software Defined Radio for Tomography and Indoor Sensing
Ethan Chiu
School: Syosset High School, Syosset, NY
Project Title: Developing a Self-Formed Ectodermal Autonomous Multi-Zone Organoid Model Using Human Stem Cells to Examine the Effect of Doxycycline Treatment on Uveal Melanoma
Benjamin Choi
School: Potomac School, McLean, VA
Project Title: An Ultra-Low Cost, Mind-Controlled Transhumeral Prosthesis Operated via a Novel Artificial Intelligence-Driven Brainwave Interpretation Algorithm
Neil Chowdhury
School: Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, NH
Project Title: Modeling the Effect of Histone Methylation on Chromosomal Organization in Colon Cancer Cells
Andrew Kai Chu
School: The Nueva School, San Mateo, CA
Project Title: Synergy and Competition Between Long and Short Duration Storage in Renewable Power Grids
Brooke Ann Dunefsky
School: Irvington High School, Irvington, NY
Project Title: A Novel Device that Utilizes Neuroplasticity for the Rehabilitation of Stroke Victims
Rohan Singh Ghotra
School: Syosset High School, Syosset, NY
Project Title: Uncovering Motif Interactions from Convolutional Attention Networks for Regulatory Genomics
Vivien He
School: Palos Verdes Peninsula High School, Rolling Hills Estates, CA
Project Title: Qube: A Low-Cost Internet-of-Things Device for On-Site and Regional Earthquake Early Warning
Heloise Hoffmann
School: Community School of Naples, Naples, FL
Project Title: Self-Reported Reduced Sleep Quality and Excessive Daytime Sleepiness in Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy
Theodore Tianqi Jiang
School: Palisades Charter High School, Pacific Palisades, CA
Project Title: Deciphering the Language of Genetic Variants: Using a Transformer-Based Language Model to Identify Pathogenic Missense Mutations Associated With Human Inherited Diseases and Cancer
Daniel Larsen
School: Bloomington High School, South Bloomington, IN
Project Title: Bertrand’s Postulate for Carmichael Numbers
Krystal S Li
School:Coral Reef Senior High School, Miami, FL
Project Title: Isolating and Characterizing Phosphorus-Solubilizing Bacteria from Rhizospheres of Native Plants Grown in Calcareous Soils and Sediments
Victoria Li
School: Hunter College High School, New York, NY
Project Title: CROTON: An Automated and Variant-Aware Deep Learning Framework for Predicting CRISPR/Cas9 Genome Editing Outcomes
Steven D. Liu
School: Shady Side Academy, Pittsburgh, PA
Project Title: Techno-Economic Assessment of a Cost and Quality-Based Algal Biodiesel Production Process
Roberto Antonio Lopez
School: Brentwood High School – Ross Center, Brentwood, NY
Project Title: Evaluating Phragmites australis Wrack Accumulation in a Long Island Salt Marsh Ecosystem and Assessing Its Effect on Carbon Sequestration, the Nitrogen Cycle, and Sediment Biota
Christopher Vincenzo Luisi
School: John F. Kennedy High School, Bellmore, NY
Project Title: How Dietary Restriction Affects the Athleticism, Metabolic Rate, and Lifespan of Drosophila melanogaster
Amber Luo
School: Ward Melville High School, East Setauket, NY
Project Title: RiboBayes: A Wavelet Transform-Based Computational Platform to Assess the Transcriptomic Distribution and Regulation of Ribosome Pause Sites in Ribosome Profiling Data
Yash Narayan
School: The Nueva School, San Mateo, CA
Project Title: DeepWaste: Applying Deep Learning on a Mobile Device for Accurate, Low Cost, and Ubiquitous Waste Classification
Nyasha Nyoni
School: Ossining High School, Ossining, NY
Project Title: Unhealthy Scrolling: Instagram Influencers Endorse More Unhealthy Food and Beverage Products Compared to Celebrities
Amara Orth
School: Lewis Central High School, Council Bluffs, IA
Project Title: Secret Sounds of Bees: Analysis of Honey Bee Vibroacoustics Using Hidden Markov Models
Hannah Park
School: Tenafly High School, Tenafly, NJ
Project Title: Altered Development of Thymus in Tmem131 Knockout Mouse Model of Down Syndrome
Rishab Parthasarathy
School: The Harker School, San Jose, CA
Project Title: A Novel Combination of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Pathway Analysis for Predicting Oncogenic Mutation Progression and Recommending Targeted Therapies
Pravalika Gayatri Putalapattu
School: Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, Alexandria, VA
Project Title: DORC: Dynamic Operating Room Companion for Gallbladder Removal Surgical Workflow Verification
Neil Rathi
School: Palo Alto High School, Palo Alto, CA
Project Title: Cross-Linguistic Universals of Morphological Fusion: An Information-Theoretic Approach
Aseel Rawashdeh
School: L.C. Anderson High School, Austin, TX
Project Title: Larvicidal “Trojan-Horse”: Experimentally Developing a Novel Low-Cost and Eco-Friendly Mosquito Vector Control Treatment
Desiree Rigaud
School: John F. Kennedy High School, Bellmore, NY
Project Title: COVID-19 Induced Economic Stress: The Effect on Marital Functioning and Methods of Alleviating Financial Stress
Luke Robitaille
School: Robitaille Homeschool, Euless, TX
Project Title: Topological Entropy of Simple Braids
Daniel Shen
School: William G. Enloe High School, Raleigh, NC
Project Title: TC-DTW: An Algorithm Breaking the Long-Standing Efficiency Barriers of Temporal Data Analytics
Atticus Wang
School: Princeton International School of Math and Science, Princeton, NJ
Project Title: Representation Stability and Finite Orthogonal Groups
Ella Wang
School: BASIS Chandler, Chandler, AZ
Project Title: Assessing Light-Induced Fading of Colored Art Objects via Digital Visualization Techniques
Ethan Wong
School: Arcadia High School, Arcadia, CA
Project Title: Yaw Characteristics of Aircraft With a Bell-Shaped Lift Distribution Built With a Novel Manufacturing Technique
Leo Wylonis
School: Conestoga High School, Berwyn, PA
Project Title: Novel Fully MRI Compatible Nonmagnetic and Dielectric Pneumatic Servo Motor for MRI Guided Surgical Robotics
Zoe Xi
School: Boston University Academy, Boston, MA
Project Title: Approximation Algorithms for Dynamic Time Warping on Run-Length Encoded Strings
Margaret L Yang
School: Cranbrook Kingswood School, Bloomfield Hills, MI
Project Title: Engineering Multi-Enzyme Whole-Cell Biocatalysts for Biofuel Production
Christine Ye
School: Eastlake High School, Redmond, WA
Project Title: Inferring the Neutron Star Maximum Mass and Lower Mass Gap in Neutron Star-Black Hole Systems with Spin
Han Byur Youn
School: Roslyn High School, Roslyn Heights, NY
Project Title: Why We Vote: How Positive Descriptive Norms and Holding a Minority Political Viewpoint Increase Citizens’ Intention and Responsibility to Vote
再生元科学天才奖 STS
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- 不可将团队项目刻意改成单人项目参赛;
- 可以与科研导师/大学生共同完成研究项目,但他们不能过多干预/直接影响学生单人完成项目的结果。成果必须充分展示申请学生个人的想法。
- 斩获12枚美本Offer,包括4所藤校
- 2019 ISEF州赛Top6,asa专项
- 2020 ISEF Finalist
- 2020 STS semifinal scholar
· 录取卡内基梅隆大学 CS专业
· 丘成桐生物奖美国区半决赛
· STS Top 300 Scholar